GenerateBlocks 1.0

Welcome to GenerateBlocks 1.0!

GenerateBlocks is a small collection of WordPress blocks for the Gutenberg editor. There are more and more block plugins emerging, but this one is different.

Instead of building a plugin with 30+ blocks you have to sort your way through, we built one with only 4 blocks. The magic here is that these 4 blocks can be used to build nearly anything. When combined, you no longer need specific blocks for testimonials, price boxes or call to actions (to name a few). These blocks can do it all.

One of the things I love about this approach is that you can become super familiar with only a handful of blocks. You don’t need to memorize and rely on 10 different blocks to build a page – your pages can be built using unique combinations of these few blocks.

It also means none of our blocks will become outdated next year. The plugin will remain lightweight and clean, without a bunch of deprecated blocks well into the future.

Another aspect of the plugin we’ve focused heavily on is performance, which is no surprise if you’re coming from our GeneratePress theme. GenerateBlocks only adds one CSS file per page, which contains all of the CSS generated by your options. There is no javascript or inline CSS – it’s all in one, tidy place.

The HTML generated by the plugin is as minimal as possible, as well. You won’t find yourself digging through layers and layers of elements to find your content.

To download the current version of the plugin, head over to our Install page or search for GenerateBlocks in the plugins area of your Dashboard.

If you need help using the plugin, check out our documentation. If something is missing from the documentation, or you need more help, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

15 thoughts on “GenerateBlocks 1.0”

  1. What ab awesome product ! I really love the way you can create a page . And ofc the key is that is lightweight as the gp theme !!!

    One fix on the latest beta is when you add an icon and you select it to be on down possition it goes on top instead.

    Thank you guys and cant wait for the pro plugin!!!

  2. Tom, this is genius. I really love this approach. Finally, something I can work with that gives Gutenberg some value (to me).

    Thank you. I am looking forward to seeing what you come up with next.

  3. I haven’t built a site since Gutenberg hit. Now I need to build a site. So I look into GeneratePress (because this is the only theme) and Gutenberg and low and behold, GenerateBlocks. You always have my back.


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